What's New Inside MAXA's Platform

Social Caption Suggestions
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AI Shortcuts
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Automated Listing Marketing Packages
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HTML Newsletter Gorgeous Layouts
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RealMailers Integration
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Direct Sharing to Facebook Business and Instagram Business Accounts
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QR Code Generator and Analytics
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Simplified HTML Designer
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Postage & Folds Overlay For Postcards
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Customize Concierge Requests
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Video Editor with Copyright Free Videos, Audio and Gifs
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We've Integrated Dropbox!
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Group Text
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AI Background Remover
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Redesign Unveil
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New AI Content Writer
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Marketing Package Store
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Market Stats Data Integration
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Paid Subscriptions with Stripe
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Archive Users Rather Than Suspend!
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Updated Panel Styling for HTML
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Postage and Folds Overlay for Postcards+
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Select Anyone as a Partner
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Fedex Flat Rate Shipping
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Ability to create custom concierge requests from admin
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MLS property PHOTO upload zones for HTML designs
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Group Layers Additional Update
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MLS Property Description Upload Zones Revamp!
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Designer Panel Update
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Adjust Co Print Payment Percentage % (Mortgage Clients only)
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Feature Flag to Add Personal Or Office Logo Color & White
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Admins can add Image Library
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Ability to create custom concierge requests from admin
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New Filters for images on the Designer
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Create Custom Upload Zones from Text to Imagery (+team photos / logos)
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Updates to Rotate Canvas Feature
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Lock all colors across all templates except brand colors
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Multiple Photos Upload Zone
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Free Mailing Lists With AccuZIP
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Request Training
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New Template Column View
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Bulk Design Export
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QR Code Generator
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Swag store 2.0 with Stripe integration
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Grouping Layers
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Upload User Lists (Admins Only)
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Auto Populate Property Images from MLS into Design Templates
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Email Designs to Specific User Groups
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View Templates, But Block With Message
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Subfolders to better organize your files
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View Templates, But Block With Message
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Admins can Email Designs to Specific User Groups
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Spanish Language MAXA Platform
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Upload zone viewer tool
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Replace Property MLS Data Within Design Editor
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Co Print Payments
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Easily Create New Folders In The Dashboard
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Multiple MLS uploads
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Mobile App UI & UX Updates
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New partner - Box & Bestow Client Gifts
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HTML Email Newsletters
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HTML Email Signatures
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Compliance Approval & Audit Reporting System
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Direct Mail Scheduling
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Automated Welcome Email Series for New Users
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Dashboard Update for Users
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Copy Elements and Text Boxes and Paste into Another Template
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Multi-Item Print Shopping Cart
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Testimonial Integration
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Most Popular Templates
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Infinite Subcategories
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Download Now Feature
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Favorite Templates & Categories
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Purchase Mailing List(s) for Direct Mail
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State Disclaimers
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Compliance Manager 2
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Multi Language Support
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Admin Image Libraries
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QR Code Generator
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User Subscriptions
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